Church defends New Jersey pastor accused of rape; 'think what you want', we've got 'nobody to answer to but God'


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Elder Freddie Alexander

A church in New Jersey is standing by its pastor after he was accused of sexually assaulting a 21-year-old woman for several years, starting when she was 17.

Pastor James E. Simmons Jr., 64, of New Life in Christ Ministries turned himself in to authorities last week after he was charged with sexual assault, criminal sexual contact and endangering the welfare of a child.

Church elder Freddie Alexander told an applauding congregation on Sunday that the accusations against the pastor were the work of Satan.

"If Satan knew what he was doing to New Life, he wouldn't have done it. Because what Satan don't know, what he turn around and did is made New Life get closer... now, because of what Satan has done, he is bringing [us] together."

The elder warned Satan not to "mess with" the church, and denied the allegations against Simmons.

"We love our pastor," Alexander said. "They can say what they want. And I hope I get on YouTube, and I tell you this here. I love my pastor. I love God first, but I love my pastor, and I trust him. And I know that I know him, deep from part of my heart. In the pit of my heart, I know we're going to be exonerated. When our time comes, you will know."

"Think what you want," he added. "We're going to trust God. We've got to answer to nobody but God."

Alexander said Simmons had a "Godly heart" because he was praying for the woman who accused him of sex crimes.

"He helped people. He loves people," Alexander said of Simmons. "And because of who he loves, Satan's trying to get him — and us, too. But it ain't happening."

Watch video, uploaded to YouTube, here.

Comment: Religious organizations are a playground for sexual predators.Listen to the SOTT editors interview with Dr. Anna Salter, author of the best-selling book,

Pierre: Something that is heartbreaking in your book is that apparently those kind of individuals target, above all they target the most empathetic ones, the most caring ones. One of your interviewee says "The reason I can be so successful" an inmate tells me "is I find people who really care about other people".

Dr. Salter: I have had offenders tell me that they love churches because people are more gullible in churches, that they look for the best in everyone. You know the real, oh gosh I don't know the word, but the truth is that offenders, predators don't just prey on our weaknesses, they prey on our strengths as well. They prey on the fact that many people are trusting, that they do look for the best in people, that they don't consider the worst in people. And those are natural victims for them. Most of them are not actually looking for a challenge, they're looking for the easiest victim.

See also: Men Who Hate Women: The Franklin Scandal and the Truth About Our Leaders