Police agencies and politicians fight body camera recommendations


“Some of them are a little unreasonable, I believe, and don’t quite fall in line with things I think are in the best interest of the police department,” said Capt. Jim Steffen.

Not surprisingly DHS run 

'Community Oriented Policing Services'

 (COPS) and the 

'Police Executive Research Forum'

 (PERF) have come out in opposition of police camera regulations. Click 


 to read their report. PERF is an organization composed of police chiefs of the nation's law enforcement departments. Click 




 to find out about PERF's close relationship with DHS.

Even the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) has published similar reports in opposition of police camera regulations. Click 




 to read more. The DHS funds [runs] the NIJ as well, click




 to read more

The ACLU proposed that any video that captured a felony arrest, events leading up to a felony arrest, use of force or an incident that led to a citizen complaint be stored for three years. All other recordings would be erased after several months. 

Additionally, the ACLU recommended, the cameras would be activated when an officer is responding to a call for service or at the onset of any interaction with the public — except in a school or private residence entered without a warrant. Officers would be required to announce that the camera was on. 

The ACLU also recommended that officers not be allowed to review their body camera video before compiling reports so as to not influence recollections. 

Iowa City’s Steffen said some of the suggested rules are unworkable. 

For instance, he said, a few months is too early to be deleting videos that don’t immediately lead to an arrest or citizen complaint. In Iowa, citizens have 300 days to complain to the state’s civil rights commission. 

“If they are dictating we delete that video after six months, we could be getting rid of potential evidence to support or disclaim that civil rights violation,” Steffen said. 

Florida has 

exempted police body camera footage

 obtained inside a private residence, a health care, mental health care or social services facility or is taken in a place that a reasonable person would expect to be private from public records law.

Many states are considering similar legislation and 

EPIC's State Policy Project

 is monitoring bills nationwide. 

The 'fix' is in police agencies and politicians don't want police accountability and will fight it tooth and nail!
